Our Hair Extensions Care & Maintenance Guide
- For the first week after the initial extension application, it is important the client wears their hair down or in a ponytail / loose plait to avoid any damage to their natural hair
- Do not use any haircare products in salon or at home that contain the following ingredients; Sulphate, Protein, Tea Tree oil or a high alcohol content. Hair Review always recommends using Hair Care from our list of of extension friendly products below.
- All hair extensions are permanently dehydrated & require daily moisture or serum/oil for the best lifespan & easy maintenance, please see below our list of extension friendly products we highly recommend you to use.
- ONLY Toners & semi permanent colours can be applied on hair extensions – Do not use lifting cream, bleach or high level peroxide on Hair Review Russian Tape Extensions
- When the client is washing their natural hair with hair extensions – apply conditioner on the mid-lengths to ends of natural hair & extensions (Avoid conditioner on your scalp or base of the extensions)
- The client must brush their hair 2-3 times daily minimum, with a salon recommended Tape Extension detangle brush
- Do not leave hair wet, always blow-dry hair extensions till at least 80% dry
- Do not sleep with wet hair
- Always sleep with your extensions in a loose plait
- Rinse, Shampoo & Condition you hair after swimming in chlorine or salt water
- Wear hair in loose plait when swimming – never in a bun or top knot
- Avoid washing your hair for the first 48hrs after initial extension application